F is for Flu
and four letter words.
Hey, here’s a question: What happens after you get Covid in August?
Answer: You get the flu in September! That’s What!
As always, things went sideways on a Friday Afternoon. All bad news waits until Friday afternoons for us. Always.
This time it started with the dreaded email from school: About 2pm, her teacher messaged us that the pumpkin was complaining that “her brain hurt” and she wanted mommy. “Also, there’s a case of the flu going around the school so here’s your kid and goodluck with that and have a nice weekend! Bye!”
We get the child home and she’s so-so. Not great but not horrible. We get some Tylenol into her and she seems to bounce back. Okay! Bedtime! The next morning she’s better and watches YouTube on her tablet for most of the day1
Whew, maybe we dodged the bullet. Maybe.
Or…maybe not.
Tuesday was BW’s 50th birthday and seeing we had the big party already our celebrations consisted of a few dollar store balloons and a fancy birthday cake from Wegmans

Then BW started to complain of a headache, and later came the fever and chills. Welcome aboard the flu-train! We’re going on a shivering and sweaty ride for the next few days.
I thought I had dodged the bullet. I am invincible after all. 2 I had the flu shot earlier in the week. I was good. I was solid. I had no worries at all. So I thought.
Then I got the flu. So, yeah. So much for being invincible. I was sick.
And I have to tell you it was a weird one. It might not have been as bad as the COVID back in August but it was just plain weird. You kind of felt okay, but mostly didn’t and I spent 2 days on the couch doing the bare minimum. Usually, I like the couch and I’m famous for doing as little as possible - but not under these circumstances.
So the flu. We both had shots, we both got it. The wee one got her flu shot on Wed so hopefully we’re immune up the wazoo for the next while because I gotta tell you I’m kind of sick of the sick.
Up next..

The child can SPELL. See the photo above? She figured out that word by herself.
There are mixed emotions about this development:
Pro: She can spell.
Con: She can spell.
This means we can’t spell all the things as we had been doing. No more spelling P-A-R-K or C-O-O-K-I-E.
To put things mildly, we’re F-*-*-*-E-D.
Until Next Time,
TH & Co.