Smashing Pumpkins
A story about getting hammered in November

We have a post-Halloween tradition I wanted to share: smashing pumpkins. This started a few years back when she was smaller and has turned into an annual thing and I have to tell you I like this better than the actual Halloween.
When it’s time to get rid of the pumpkins on the porch we bring them to the wooded area across the street and hammer the heck out of ‘em. They’re for the deer and bunnies to eat, we tell her.

It's a lot of fun to get her ya-ya’s out and she loves it. I end up doing all the heavy smashing, and it's better for the environment than tossing these heavy things in the trash like we used to in the past.
Halloween is BW's favorite holiday so this is just the icing on the cake to polish off season of candy and chocolate.
And when we go back to check a week later to see how the deer and bunnies made out, the pumpkins are pretty much gone, which is good to see - we already have her believing in Santa Claus so we don’t really need Halloween deer.

Now that Halloween’s all done we’re now counting the days until Christmas!

Until Next Time,
TH and Co.