C is for Covid
It's the gift that keeps on giving.
So. remember just last week when BW screwed up the times from her flight back and had to stay overnight at JFK ?
Well. She brought me a little souvenir: Covid 19. Yeah. I’m thrilled.
It started last Monday when BW woke up saying she was sick. Perfect timing. We pulled the little one out of daycare for the month of August as she’s going away with Abuela for the latter part of the month.
Instead of just being sick at home, she would be sick at home with a 4 year old. I was off to work so I just told BW to toss her in front of the tablet and YouTube kids and we will collect the parent of the year award some other day.
Then of course, the text message arrives mid-day:

You. Have. To. Be. Kidding. Me.
So, I tell her to deal the best she can and I will be home soon as I can. I managed to get some of my delivery route taken by a co-worker so I could get done on time to get to the pharmacy before they closed to pick up her prescription for Paxlovid. The Pharmacy closed at 9pm. I would be there by 8. Perfect - right?
Ya. No.
Turns out the pharmacist was sick so he closed the pharmacy early and went home. I get that people get sick and shit happens, but I haven’t been having a lot of luck lately when it comes to things like this.
I go home and BW’s heart rate is off the charts. We had thought about calling an ambulance but were wary of whether the insurance would pay for the ride as we weren’t really at emergency status1 and all they would do in the emergency room would give her the Paxlvoid anyway. We just had to get through the night.
When I came home I notice a box of Oreos on the table and some empty cheese wrappers and I realized that the best BW could do for the little one was to feed her cheese and Oreos.
Once again: parents of the year. I am told that after her nutritious dinner she just put herself to bed. No stories, or the usual routine. It’s like the child knew Mom was sick and she said: “I’m good, I’ve got this”. She was awesome
Morning comes and the effing pharmacy is open and I get the script and get it into BW. The healing process begins.
Thankfully Tuesday was my day off, so I was able to care for the child and so we went to the ocean and threw rocks in the water as we usually do. Then of course the we had to go to Tim Hortons afterwards for a timbit because: tradition.
BW was still in bed and in pretty bad shape not much to report there.
Wednesday came and more the same: BW in bed and child to care for. We went to the “big park” for the afternoon and actually spent 2 hours there where she made new friends and played games that were made up. She had a great time and it was some much needed outdoor time and away from the screens
The problem was that by the time we got back from the park yours truly was staring to feel like crap. So of course I do what all men do when the start to get sick and ignore the fact.
Next day: I’m sick. Take a test and sure enough: COVID. I can’t ignore any longer
Now we really have a problem because we still had to take care of the child. Thank God for the Disney Channel as it really saved our bacon. She’s had enough screen time to last an entire year in just 3 days so once again: parents of the year.
As I write this we are slowly coming out from the fog of Covid but we both get tired easily and the wee one is starting to get a little stir crazy and who can blame her? I’m getting stir crazy an I’ve been asleep for most of it.
This is my first bout of COVID and it’s weird but I thought I had dodged the bullet, but I guess if a household member goes to a busy airport and flies on a crowded airplane the chances are getting sick.
I’m just glad I had the vaccines. I know some prefer not to and think Bill Gates is out to kill us all off and that the government is out to get us or something . But this shit was bad. I’m quite happy to be on the road to recovery thanks to vaccines rather than being spun around like a rotisserie chicken in a hospital room trying to get air in my lungs. or even worse - win the Herman Cain award.
A few takeaways from all this:
- Your child can survive on cheese and Oreos. At least for one night.
- Vaccines are nice.
- iPads are a blessing when both parents are sick. Also, Wifi.
- BW is never going anywhere again. At least for a while.
- You lose track of the days. I think it’s Sunday, but I am not sure.
- The child has had way too much “dessert”. The holiday is over when it comes to to the sweets as soon as we’re well enough.
What I am most thankful for is that we’re on the mend and the wee one didn’t get COVID2. I am not sure we could have handled all 3 of us sick at the same time.
As I write this I am on day 4 of 6 of my regimen of Paxlovid and I have to tell you that the cure might be worse. It’s not of course, but all I can taste is medicine. I have had so much medicine the past few days. No more medicine, please.
To summarize, let me be your PSA: COVID is still out there, and it could happen to anyone. If you haven’t already please get vaccinated and stay safe.
Until next time…
TH and Co.