You've Got Mail
The fun kind too.
We're spoiled in this modern age we're living in.
Everything comes to the door n0w. Our last online order was for table napkins. Table Napkins! You think that if I'm out driving all day I could stop somewhere on the way home and pick some up. Nope. Nope. Nope
That would require getting out of the car and going to a store. Paying $139 a year for prime is much easier and then the stuff just shows up at the door.
Another example: Reading. It used to require books and magazines that were either picked up at a store or a library or maybe borrowed from a friend. Now the reading happens right here and right now on the device of your choice usually.
You're reading this on your little pocket powered computer with0ut lifting a finger. You didn't have to to to the store or library. Just wait for the "you've got mail" notification and you're reading with the latest dopamine hit called this newsletter.
All this to say we don't get a lot of mail these days. Even the bills stopped for the most part because of the internet and online billing. Our mail is the weekly flyer full of renewal window ads and handyman services. That, and the local car dealer flyer wanting to sell me a new car because I went there once for service.
We don't get a lot of fun mail like we did and that makes us sad.
Unless. Unless you're subscribed to the Highlights Magazine and you're five.

Then it's the best day ever!
When we get this she's at school so we put it at her spot at the table and it takes her 0.002 seconds to find it and then ask me if she wants to do the "finding book" with her.
There's two sections that are her favorite: The first is the section where it wants you to find all the silly things. Usually it's a theme. If it's the ski hill and you see a walrus on skis eating an ice cream cone that's pretty silly- You get the idea.
The second section she likes is where you find hidden things in the pictures. Find the hammer, the kite, the moon...
She could care less for the stories. She flips through those. It's odd because she likes stories and will have them read to her non-stop but the stories in this magazine are not her thing.
There's crafts to make and these are hit and miss. We have made some though and I think they turned out pretty well. Take our school bus for example:

This was fun for all of us, but she hasn't been interested lately in the crafts.
Not surprisingly, they also have a food/recipe section and of course she's one of us so she's all about the food and we have to look and decide what would be the most delicious. This month was all the different ways you could spruce up toast.
To summarize, this is a great magazine for her - even if she's not thrilled with the stories - the puzzles and the other features hold her interest for some time and that - as they say in the mastercard ad - is priceless.