What Happens in Texas..
That time BW let me leave the house.

This idea started more than a few months ago and I can't believe I am actually in Dallas, Texas as I write this. Alone. Where it's quiet.
I casually mentioned to BW that there was a quarterly headphone show/nerdfest in Dallas Texas, and I should go. It's called CanJam and I guess there's a trade show for every little quirky hobby and I found this hobby, and this show.
When doing the back of the napkin cost to travel, eat and stay I could just stay home, hang upside down in my gravity boots and buy one more pair for the same price as the travel.

But that's no fun. So Here I am. Call me Mr. Adventure.
One reason I am here is due to our flight screw up when we went to Argentina last winter and they screwed up our flights so bad that they gave us some credits. Guess what? The credits end the end of the year and so I used them for this trip. Heck, I even flew business class. 🛫 I'm fancy.
This brings down the cost to go considerably and BW actually encouraged me to leave and get out of the house. I actually resisted a bit, because this is kind of pricey and I do't need to go at all and I already have some headphones. But I think after all these years, she has had enough of me and can you blame her?
Guys, take note:
I also asked if I could go to the Singapore Show but that would be very pricey so I asked for that first and then sprung Dallas on her which is considerably cheaper so she said yes. I should be in sales.

So here I am. In a hotel room where the conference is at and for the next 2 days I plan on eating well and listening well and having afternoon naps. Of course, the headphones I want to listen to cost thousands so I doubt I will be coming home with a new pair, but hey a guy can dream.
"Honest, BW - These were on sale."
It's weird being away and alone. I'm not used to it. I talked to the child today on the phone and I think it might be the first time because I am always right by her side so there's no reason to talk to her on the phone. (If you're wondering, she had to tell me that her play date tomorrow was cancelled because her little friend is sick.This was very important news)
I'm not much of a flyer and now I know why. It sucks! The only difference between business class is a bit more room and you get a free Coke. I was disappointed and the flying still sucks. Especially the part where you have to take your shoes off.
I had 23 minutes to walk 22 minutes through a crowded terminal and find a time and place to pee before I got on the plane, because the first rule of travel is pee before you go. always. Also, whose idea was it to have flights leave so early? 4am starts are no fun.
Of course, I had steak for dinner. I'm in Texas, after all.

That's it for now. I have to get to bed so my ears are well rested for tomorrow.
Keep tuning in,
TH and Co.