Trunk or Treat!
It's never too early to dress up and get candy

Back in the day we had Halloween. Our parents would spend many a late night making our costumes by hand so we could travel the neighborhood in search for candy without an adult anywhere to be seen.
In 2024, it's Trunk or Treat and it's a little different.
From what I can gather the PTA puts this on and parents donate their time and trunks (or hatches technically, as they were all SUV's) to distribute candy in a safe and early (this is the good part) start to the Halloween season.
There were about 20 or so trunks and surprisingly a fair bunch of kids. Last year she was in pre-k and there were maybe 20 kids there, but now there were hundreds of kids. Lots of adults were dressed up too which is something you wouldn't see my parents do. Different times.
Oh, Look it's an Avocado!

About a month ago she declared that she wanted to be an Avocado for Halloween. BW did a quick Amazon search and found this suit for her. It's a hit let me tell you. It's hilarious to see her walk in it. She looks like a green Weeble.

We even saw the Jolly Old Man himself. He didn't have his reindeer with him as it looks like he traded up to an SUV. It was good of him to come down from the North Pole especially when the Peak
This was a great little adventure for a few reasons:
- The candy wasn't an insane amount.
- It's early. She was still in bed a good time.
- That costume takes about 3 seconds to get into and out of. No adding face paint or having to clean it off later.
So there we have it. Our first practice Halloween is under our belt with just enough sugar in her to make bedtime only slightly annoying.
Oh! No screaming tonight. Its' amazing what a good night's sleep will do.
Happy Halloween Practice Day!
TH and Co.