Today I Played With Pink Glitter Slime
Envious? You Should Be.
Quiz Time:
Who here played with pink glitter slime today?
You. You in the back? No? Okay. Let me tell you all about it.

It was promised it would happen today. Somebody - I am not sure whom, thought it would be a good idea to introduce the child to make your own glitter slime.
Pretty harmless, yes?
For the most part it is. IF, and this is a big IF the pink slime does not travel anywhere in the house other than the kitchen table.
Let me tell you what happens with pink glitter slime when it attaches to:
- wood
- bedsheets
- flooring
This stuff does not come off of the above surfaces cleanly at all. It sticks to it like me holding onto the last donut in the box - That shit stuff ain't moving.
So imagine my joy when it was announced that more slime was being created.
One thing I will say with her getting older is she now at least understands why I don't want to have travelling slime and the slime must stay at the table and I have to tell you it's nice. Whether or not she listens to me or not is a complete other story.
Back to the slime - today we made the following with the slime:
- boogers (of course)
- eyebrows
- lips
- snakes
- pancakes
- balls
and....that's about it.
And then just like that, the 20 minutes were up and she was off skipping to do the next activity. It was something about My Little Ponies - I forget.