The Car is Making a Noise
Because a flood isn't enough. Now it's car problems.
I'm writing this in the waiting room at the car dealership.
A car dealership is not the place you want to be because unless it's warranty work these things are always expensive. I'm not even at a real dealer but a local car store that's treated us well over the years. They are fair. Any car repair is not cheap but we know we won't get screwed over too bad. We hope.
I went in for something called noisy anti-click washers. It's a 2 dollar part but hundreds in labor - because cars suck. It turned out my car did not need these washers as they were fine and after they put the car back together the mystery noise has stopped. Perfect. Problem Solved.
What didn't stop was the clock. It took them 2 plus hours with the car on the hoist so we paid for 2 plus hours - to the tune of $400.00. But it's fixed and seeing as that's all I wanted I am good.
BW is like "You love spending money on that car". No, I don't. I love having a car that works properly considering it's my office and I'm in it for a least a few hours a day. Anyway, car is fixed (for now) and we can move on to other
The Basement
The insurance called and we are ready to go to get the contractor in for the repair, but of course they are booked so it will be a couple more weeks before they start. This was to be expected really. It's impossible to get anybody to do work these days
There's really no rush per se except for the fact that we are down to 1 operating toilet. Under normal circumstances this wouldn't be a big deal as there's just the 3 of us but now we're having company for BW's upcoming birthday so there will be 5 adults and one child with one potty. We're going to have to draw straws to who goes first.
The Child

of course the dirt pile is a hit still.
Last night she was so tired that she was leaning on my shoulder while I read her the bedtime story and we barely finished the book before she zonked in. This kindergarten thing is a long day with a 45 minute bus ride each way and then there's all that learning. She loves it and comes home happy and wanting to tell us about her day. It's awesome. It will probably change, but for now it's great. I doubt she will be that way when she's in high school.
Tonight was even worse. She was pj'd, booked and toothbrushed and out by 7pm. The last straw was when she fell out of bed just before she dozed off.
"I thought I had 2 rolls, but I only had one", she told me.
Today's lesson: look before you leap (or in this case - roll)
After an ice pack and some hugs we were back in bed and she.was.out.
Tonight's entertainment after school was she figured out that if she had 2 straws she could drink water out of a glass twice as fast. The last time I saw her she had 5 straws in the glass and after that I lost count.
Lastly, I have a story about a dog. We bought one of those marionettes when we were in Argentina on holiday in January that looks something along the lines of this:

This dog has been happily hanging from a doorknob unbothered for what - 8 months now? But tonight it got noticed and while I was occupied she decided that "happy" would be happier if he/she went for a walk down the street. Yeah, this is great but we were supposed to be going to bed - not walking happy!
Of course she goes out the front door in bare feet where all the poo mud is so after happy got his walk, she got her feet washed. I should have tossed happy when I had my chance. He's been noticed and it's too late now.
As I write this, BW is searching Amazon for "toast costumes".
I'm going to bed. One might even say I am toast. 😪
Until next time,
TH and Co.