The Amazon Man
Expected Delivery: Between 6 and 9PM
Yesterday I wrote about how after some deliberation on her end she finally picked a birthday gift to buy with the funds from the gift card she was given.
The Pet Vet Set was set to arrive today. And as I wrote, the plan was to have her friend come over after school and have Pet Vet Set Party

But. There's always a but.
No Pet Vet Set.
Not on the porch, or in a boat or on a moat or with a goat. This Pet Vet Set was nowhere to be found.
Of course, as soon as I picked her up from school the question was: Is my Pet Vet Set Here?
No, sorry.
When will it get here?
I told her I didn't know but as soon as I knew something that she would be the first to know.
I checked the tracking: It said sometime before 10PM.
I told her that there was a time limit and should could not stay up until 10pm to see if it showed up. Sometimes things get delayed and if it doesn't show up by 7pm then you will have to wait for tomorrow.
She was less than thrilled by that idea.
Then the tracking stated it would arrive between 5:15 and 6:15.
It did not arrive between 5:15 and 6:15
When will it arrive? She asked.
I tried to explain the different reasons why the package would be late. It could have got damaged, the delivery driver stopped for lunch and so on. She wasn't buying it and she was set on the Pet Vet Set and it better arrive today dammit.
Finally the acceptance stage was here and she asked to play with Lego instead because at 6:15 there was no sign of the Pet Vet Set. But just as we were starting to pull out the Lego pieces out we got the notification that never gets old:
Your package is 10 Stops Away
And then it was 8 stops, and 6 stops and the kid drove a completely different direction for a bit and then made it around the corner.
There were squeals of delight as the Amazon Van came into view. But then the Van went to the neighbors house. You should have seen the look of disappointment.
But then hope. The van pulled out of the neighbors and into our driveway and then on our front porch at about 6:45 was a Pet Vet Set and we had a very happy six year old.
Phew, just in time! We had a good 20 minutes or so with the new Pet Vet Set and then it was time for bed and so we packed up all the tools and put them in the toy box so the dog would not eat them.
She grabbed the two Pets out of the set and then went to bed without too much protest.
It was close, but Amazon...delivered.
That, my friends is the longest and possibly most boring story about a toy we bought on Amazon.
Tomorrow: My New Socks!