She Burst Into Tears
We're all just a few moments away from the same fate.

I missed the actual event as I was out, but apparently the child randomly broke into tears today when I was gone.
No warning. No Reason.
Just. Tears. Because.
I thought we had more time. I thought I had until 'tween' before the emotions just randomly erupted but apparently not.
It's not like she had a bad day today either. I fact, far from it.
She lived her best life today too and she was sooo excited to tell me when I got home about her adventures:
She went swimming and she's getting better and is actually using a backstroke. This is a big improvement over well, just sinking to the bottom.
Then BW had to run an errand and she figured they may as well make a girl's day out of it and go for lunch at Dave's Hot Chicken.
The milkshake machine was broken, but that was OK because I had a Sprite!
She then came home and opened one of her many many birthday gifts and created it. Some sort of sand castle thing. It looked messy so I am glad I missed it.
And of course, there's been some time on the tablet so she's had a really good day and there's no reason for tears at all.
I guess some days you just feel like crying.