Pretty in Pink
Please, no more pink.
There was a time when our house was beige. Beige carpet, beige-ish couch, beige...well pretty much everything. Even the dog was grey.
But over time the collection of stuff has grown and for some reason I do not fully understand according to BW all the things must be pink. Bonus points if there's a flamingo somewhere.
Take today for example: I come home and she's on the couch shopping for wallpaper.
Yes, wallpaper.
Remember how you would spend an entire Saturday afternoon bored to death as a kid because your mother took you along while she flipped through book after book of wallpaper samples? I do.
Folks, I present to you the year 2025: Where you can shop for wallpaper samples from the comfort of the couch. Even better is that you can ask your husband ad-nauseam about what he thinks about this style? or this? or how about this?
OMG you guys, the wallpaper. I don't remember my Dad having any interest in the wallpaper choosing and if I remember correctly he was probably getting slightly drunk in the garage on a Saturday afternoon. I'm beginning to think he had the right idea. And if we did come home with wallpaper I am sure it was my Mom who hung it.
But somehow we must talk about the wallpaper.
One wallpaper sample arrived in the mail today and I think this was the start. It is like the Wuhan of Wallpaper for us - as this is where it all started. Once that sample arrived on the wall and BW could visualize the great wall of flamingos something clicked in her brain and she's hell bent on getting wallpaper. Flamingo Wallpaper. Pink, of course. The more pink and flamingos the better.
Guess who would be tasked to hang said wallpaper? You got it.
Guess who has zero experience or interest hanging wallpaper? You also got it.
I am hoping in my heart of hearts that she will let this one go and we can paint the wall and toss some artwork up there and call it a day.
I Blame the Backsplash.
I am beginning to think the pink back splash in the kitchen was the gateway drug.
For whatever reason, something has clicked in BW and now all the things must be pink and flamingo-ey. It's not enough that we have a six year old girl who wears pink on pretty much every day and plays with lots of pink toys. It's not like there is a lack of pink in the house. We have the pink.
But, the Amazon man keeps coming to the house with all things pink.
In the past bit he has brought us..
- Pink Back splash for the kitchen
- Pink Dish and Hand Soap Dispensers
- A Pink Clock
- A Pink Dish Drainer
And let's not forget the paintings she has painted recently:

Dear BW: It's my personal opinion as the chief wallpaper hanger that we do not need any more pink walls or paper in the kitchen area. Our bedroom is already pink. Our bedroom curtains are pink. You have won with the pink.
I don't want to feel like I'm living in Miami Vice. If you keep this up, I will start to grow a mullet and wear white suits with rolled up sleeves.
Please, I am begging you.
Put down the sample book and step away from the wall.
Your flamingo days are over. It's all going to be okay.