On Boo-Boos and Band-aids
Every boo-boo needs at least one Band-Aid.
What is it with kids and bandages? If they (or you) have even the tiniest cut or imperfection of any kind then there must be Band-Aids. We need all the Band-Aids.

Take today for example. I broke a coffee cup on the floor. It wasn't a big deal, and just the usual statements I had to make because now this is the most interesting thing that's ever happened.
"Nobody Move!" I exclaim. "It's all right. Let me get this cleaned up"
Of course, while I am trying to clean up there is a lot of movement. She's trying to calm down the dog by trying to herd the dog upstairs into her crate. Of course, the dog is freaked out because what the hell was that big noise? And also why are you trying to herd me upstairs?
To summarize so far: I dropped a mug, everybody tried to get as close as possible to the broken glass while in bare feet and the dog is freaking scared to death. So, just another morning here, really.
Crisis is over. Coffee Mug is cleaned up and we're back to the regularly scheduled program of getting ready to go to school. When I am putting her shoes on - she still needs help due to the AFO's she's wearing getting shoes on her is tricky and she needs a hand - I notice I cut myself. This is a very small cut. We're talking paper cut here.
"What!?" She exclaims. "Are you okay?" and most importantly:
Do you need a Band-Aid?!!
Before you can say the word "Band-Aid" the child has bounded up the stairs and opened the hall closet and is frantically searching for a Band-Aid. You can see the fear in her eyes. I have a cut on my finger and nobody is paying any attention. DAD is injured. He's bleeding for crying out loud!
He Needs a Band-Aid!!!
We found a Band-Aid and it got carefully applied. I was offered more than one but I declined. "I'm good" I told her.
We then proceeded to put on her boots and coat and I sent her off to school on the bus.
After I waved her off on the bus, I turned around and walked inside and quickly tore off the not-really-needed Band-Aid because that's the only way to remove a Band-Aid.
Today's lesson: If you find yourself hurt and in need of a Band-Aid: Ask a kid - they'll know where they are.