On Being a Dad
"Hey Dad" is the best phrase you can ever hear.

Six Years ago I wasn't a Dad. And then just like that - she was here.

And life has not been the same since.
There should be some training for this Dad thing. And I was lucky in a way as I had a bit of coaching from the nurses while the child chilled in the NICU for 51 days so I got a bit of a head start but even then they show you how the diaper thing works and you are on your own.
And since I brought her home six years ago, I have learned a few things I would like to share:
- Distraction is your friend. Telling them to put their socks on will get you nowhere. But asking them about unicorns or dinosaurs or whatever and get them distracted you can get the socks on with ease.
- Bedtime. OMG, the bedtime. I would be a millionaire if I had a fool-proof solution that worked but I found that sometimes you have to leave the room with them screaming and the fun has to stop. Also, what works today might not work tomorrow so it's a moving target.
- It will be hell peeling them away from the tablet. The tablet is also the best thing ever. It's a constant struggle between right and wrong.
- Pee before you go. Always.
- Speaking of going: Plan to leave early because the peeing and going and getting out the door takes significantly longer than you could ever imagine
- Daycare is expensive. Really Expensive.
- Have them eat the same thing you eat. Life is not a restaurant. Besides, chicken nuggets suck - we eat better than that.
- The day the car seat goes away is a good day. Same goes for diapers.
- They help you see things that you haven't thought about in a while. When was the last time you were excited about the first snow? Have a kid and they will remind you that snow is the best. thing. ever. - Also, Santa is kind of fun too. And don't get me started on leprechauns.
- Enjoy it. Because holy, does it go by fast. Yes it's hard with the tantrums and the bedtimes and having to tell them to turn around in the booth at the restaurants - but in the end it's all worth it.
Tomorrow we celebrate birthday number six. SIX! I can't believe it.
This is the year the training wheels come off for both of us. We've got this. ❤️