Never Agree to Anything
Especially if it involves work around the house. Never.

I had forgotten about this project.
A few weeks back BW had one of those ideas where she wants to decorate and then I get busy. I cam into the house and I get "Hey Jimmy - what do you think about this idea?"
The idea is she wants to buy peel and stick foam tiles and stick 'em up in the kitchen. In a moment of weakness, I agree to this idea and then the day continues and I forget all about this.
Until yesterday when the stupid tiles arrived and there they were at the front hall with BW saying to me "Guess what you're doing tomorrow?"

Installing backsplash tiles is what I am doing and how I spent my entire day today doing just that. This project - like all projects - took twice - if not 3 times as long as I had thought.
I thought I would be done by lunch. I was done by bedtime.
Things I have learned:
- Math is hard. It's tricky with all the measuring and straight lines and angles and stuff.
- Start with the big chunks and then fill in the rest. Don't do like I did and work left to right and then realize the one wall is slanting and it's a good inch out from left to right and then you have to pull them all down and start over
- Buy extra. You will need it. (See no.2 above)
I'm tired and I hurt. This was a much bigger job than I expected. This job looked fairly easy but it really took a long time for me to get right. I've been getting handier over the years but this being a first time for me it was tricky work.
Guys, if your wife sees this post and wants to do the same - hire this job out. You will thank me.
But. And this is a big But:
This is all worth it as it spruces up our kitchen and most importantly BW is happy.
And as we all know - a happy wife is a happy life.
Oh. I may have accidently agreed to repainting the kitchen cabinets later this spring.
Lord give me the strength...