On Getting Too Big Too Fast

Maybe it's the fact that in 2 weeks she'll have her sixth birthday party but it seems she's turned a corner and in some ways (I said, some) become easier to handle. In other ways, not so much.
For one thing she can completely spell and read: Tonight she asked me to refill her water bottle.
"But make sure to fill it all the way to 750 ml", she told me, as she read the bottle.
Okay then. Those were very clear instructions.
Earlier in the evening, she was bouncing around the kitchen and she leaned against the wall where we mark her height every now and then. I grabbed a pen and told her to stay still.
She did. Which was not always the case.
Big surprise: she's grown again - about an inch since October!

Lastly, I was having a mid-afternoon snooze when she found me and all 3 of us had to complete a "food test."
They were all set up for us with little bowls and we each had our own form and crayon and we had to follow her instructions:
The instructions stated that we had to color either the happy face or sad face depending on whether you liked the food and then in the box write down what you want.

We did as we told, and then she bounced over and did something else. I guess we passed the test? I do know I don't like gummy bears much.
There's been a whole lot of questions about food lately. I have been asked about a cookie preference, and favorite food and now there's exams!
I am not ready for exams. Nobody said there would be exams.