Kindergarten is Hard
I never knew that kindergarten would be so hard! And I am talking about for the parents - forget the kids. Tonight, BW went to the kindergarten open house at the school while I stayed home with the wee one. She came home with this tome you see below: a folder with tons and tons of pages. ! I am not sure how we are going to get through this year. I guess we will just have to take it one day at a time.
I never expected that I would be the one with homework when she started school. There's so much to this parenting stuff. I had no idea.

As I write this, I have 4 apps on my phone for her first year of school:
- Google Classroom
- Some Chat App of some sorts. I'm not sure how it works, exactly.
- An app to track the school bus
- An app to load money onto for lunch and treats. She gets lunch for free. Breakfast too 😄
In addition to all these apps I can also call or email the teacher or the school if I wanted to go "old school" like "back in the day"
When I went to kindergarten I am pretty sure my parents did not have to remember all that. I'm sure they just dressed me up in the cheapest polyester they could find and pointed across the street to the school.
My parents never had all the emails and apps and crap - you went to school and went home and watched after school TV. The End.
Also: polyester is itchy. She doesn't know how good she's got it.
Then there's the lunch menu: The school sends home a lunch menu for the month and the child can pick what's on the menu or have a hot dog or pizza. Of course, my little one chose the hot dog on day 1. We're not parents of the year but she can't eat hot dogs every day.
So now we have to include an index card in her snack bag (not to be confused with her lunch bag, or her backpack - that's 3 bags for those are counting.) that explains that she will have the menu item of the day and not a hot dog or pizza. I tried to explain to the teacher that she will eat what's on the menu and that's the blanket order - but no go - she wants index cards. It's a good thing BW teaches because that's the one thing we didn't have to buy for the school year.
Just when I think I'm getting hang of things I a get a panicky call from BW this afternoon that she's stomping and screaming about the house about needing a Buffalo Bills shirt because tomorrow is "Bills Day" at school and of course one has to represent and fit in. (Sorry Al)
Thank god for Target.

Once the overpriced shirt was acquired we were good to go and had a nice dinner with mango sherbet for dessert.
And while the weather's nice we went out and played some baseball.:

When BW came back from the kindergarten open house she told me that everybody already knows who she is because of her name, and of course - the braces.
Lastly, she told us that she was in line in the hallway and asked a new friend to be her new best friend. This little boy agreed. Maybe kindergarten isn't so hard after all.
Until next time,
TH and Co.