Best Dad Ever
Also: Groundhog Day.

She had a good day today. After yesterday where we were late for the bus today she was on her A game and I was home to help because BW had an early morning meeting so I was the man when it came to getting her off to the bus on time.
Breakfast was some oatmeal for her and she didn't seem interested and only ate a bit - which is OK because she can get a free breakfast at school if need be.
She was supposed to give the note of apology to her bus driver but we did not because he wasn't driving. Even Mr. Dave needs a day off from six-year-olds.
She was very surprised to see it raining this morning. Her mind was blown: it was winter! How could it be raining, it should be snowing!
I taught her the April Showers Bring May Flowers rhyme and this was a hit that was sung a couple of times during dinner tonight so it's made an impression
Kid off to school, and then had to get ready to go to get my monthly eye needle. So yea, fun morning.
BW drove me to the appointment this morning and good thing because due to the warm weather and rain it was foggy. It's bad enough driving home after getting a needle in your eye, and even worse if it's foggy.
While I was getting the needle, BW grabbed lunch and we had a quick lunch at home before I zonked out on the couch for 3 hours because: ow. eyeball.
She bounces off the bus and the first thing she asks me as she is walking up the drive:
Hey Dad - Do you think the Groundhog will see it's shadow?
We both agreed that it was best if the groundhog did not see it's shadow and then it would be an early spring and then wait for it: The singing - April Showers...
She didn't want to come in but wanted to go across the street to Ethel's house and then they would both come back and watch on the tablet which is fine because it's not a school nite.
Turns out, the 6-year-olds had all this planned on the bus, but Ethel's parents had other ideas and no Ethel to play with today.
By this time she is soaked, so I get her dried off and she trots right upstairs and puts on her warm PJ's (this is how you can tell she's related to her mother) and then grabs an apple off the table and plugs in and tunes out.
Pizza For Dinner. BW has got the homemade pizza down to a science. It's been requested that we have green pizza (pesto) instead so duly noted.
As soon as dinner is over she wants to go to bed. Hang on, I tell her - I am almost done here tidying up and then we can go upstairs and get you to bed.
We play for a bit as a family and then I get her to calm down and go to bed. She comes out five minutes later and doesn't want the day to end but she is so, so tired. She got up before 7 am and then had physical therapy and physical education today and I am pretty sure the 30 minute bus ride just finished her off . Add some warm pizza in that tummy and she is done. done. done.
I go downstairs, and finish tidying up and picking rubber bracelets, stickers and god knows what else off the floor and I see a piece of paper. It looks to be remnants of some stickers. Now all that remains is a flower sticker. She won't miss one sticker so I go and am ready to go throw it out and by chance on the other side I see this:

Actually, It's Luckiest Dad Ever.