48 Hours of No School
Please, let it warm up.

I'm finishing the 2nd day of a child home on the couch watching too much YouTube Kids instead of being where she should be: at school.
I understand why they closed the schools the past 2 days. It's been freaking cold here and I haven't left the house either because I'm a princess and I don't drive in the cold. Also, the electric car doesn't really hold a charge so hot in the zero degree temps.
All this to say we've had a lot of time together as a family. The child has been off due to the sub-zero temperatures and BW is not teaching until next week and I am well, here. I'm like a plant - a plant that sweeps floors, but a plant all the same.
We have played the (what seemed like) the world's longest game of unicorn monopoly. Which was fun for the first 20 minutes and then you have to wake the child out of the unicorn and rose petals zone - or wherever her five-year-old mind takes her as her attention span is only good for so long. (Mommy won, BTW)
I guess if there's an upside is that for the moment I am done with the kitchen renovations for a few days. Wait, I am not. I had to assemble a pink kitchen drainer today so it was an easier day of home improvement but not completely done.
A summary of what I have done this past 2 days:
Played with Play-Doh
Washed the blanket the dog barfed on
Picked up the family room for what has to be the 18th time this week.
Have made oatmeal, cheerios, sandwiches and only god knows how many times I have satisfied the "I'm thirsty" statement. I have played with squishallows, have had stickers stuck to my back (which she thought was the funniest thing ever) and have spent too many hours tucking her in for the night.
The only productive thing I have managed to do in the past 2 days is to get the child registered for summer camp - which is another job in itself with all the forms and signatures but it's done. Now we just have to find the money.
This is a really good summer camp. It's only a 10 minute drive away and we get to drop her off as early as 7:30 so that's really good as BW will have a full day to work this summer.
The summer camp looks to be a lot of fun. It's at Beaver Island State Park so she will have access to a beach and there's field trips and lots and lots of activities to keep her busy this summer. It's not cheap, but with kids - what is?
It's 8:10pm as I write this and so far I have not received a text message or email about school closures tomorrow so it looks like she might actually go back to school tomorrow which will be good for all us.
We can only handle so much family time indoors together. 🙄