The Red Diamond

Mother's Day 2023 was very exciting. If you're four, that is.

Here’s the scene:

selective focus photography of faceted red gemstone
Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash - Not exactly as shown.

The sun has been up for exactly 30 minutes when I hear “get up”. I open half an eye and there standing before me is a little person in a pale blue nightgown with sheep on it wanting to start mother’s day 2023 as if it never happened before. Like it or not, I’m  getting up and the day has begun.

So I do and groggily put some clothes on and let the dog out, etc. Then because she’s about to explode with excitement1 we have get mommy her gift. like now!

This gift was made at daycare 2 over the last few weeks so by the time the day came she was sooooo excited!

She came home on Friday with a few things including a plant she made from seed.  I think it's a geranium eventually.

Here is the prototype:

And then the card:

I especially like the part where mommy gets younger :)

So, back to the the red diamond…

A few weeks ago I realized it was mother's day and that I better get a gift for Espy to give her mom in case day-care didn't come through

Off I go to eBay where I find a pretty nice ring for a pretty nice that I'm pretty sure UW3would like. I buy it, and problem solved.

Then I made the mistake to show Espy the ring. This child would not be a good spy because as soon as we got home the beans were spilled

“Mommy, you're getting a red Diamond”

Of course I deny everything and tell mommy not to get her hopes up. A t shirt is more likely, I tell her.

All week long it's been all about that red diamond. She couldn't stop talking about it and I couldn't stop denying it.

Thankfully Mothers Day 2023 arrived and dear readers, there was indeed a red Diamond:

Mommy loves it. mother's day 2023 was a success

PS. The ring cost $2.99. don't tell mommy. Or at least don't tell Espy.

PPS. 10 subscribers! 1 paid subscriber. If you haven’t upgraded paid what are you waiting for. Operators are standing by..

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Jim and Co.

  1. You would think it was Christmas

  2. They are magic there

  3. Untidy Wife