Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

Especially when you're six.

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word
Photo by Steve DiMatteo / Unsplash

8:15 am I get a text message from BW:

OMG! We she almost missed the bus!

We have a rule here. Never miss the bus. Never. Ever. Ever.

It's important to be on time. It's too easy to be late.

According to my sources she was a little turd and did not want to put on her shoes and wanted to stay home and color and draw and she was just overall a horrible experience this morning. I am glad I missed it. 😄

She was home from school before I arrived home and she thought she was in the clear and out of trouble. She was mistaken. The trouble came and found her. When I told her I knew that she almost missed the bus and made the bus driver wait for her.

And as result, she will write an apology letter to Mr. Dave, the bus driver.

I'm not doing that, she told me.

Oh. Yes. You. Are. As of right now you are on a 3-day no fun day until that note gets written.

The reaction had all five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. (Actually, I didn't see any depression - so make that four.)

She first thought I was joking. And then she wouldn't believe me. We talked some more and finally at dinnertime we still talked about it and I think that just maybe she gets it. now. Dad means business when it comes to being on time.

We talked about how it's not nice to make people wait for you. It makes the person doing the waiting not feel nice. We also talked about not only did you make Mr. Dave the bus driver wait, but you also made billy and his mom up the street wait in the cold and then further up the street was bobby and his mom and then way up at the end of the street was violet and her dad - they all had to wait because of you.

After dinner she was looking for dessert. Oh no. Not until there's a card that is written by you that says I am sorry:

The card reads:

Dear Mr.Dave
I am sorry I was late and made you wait for me this morning.

The card got written and then there was ice cream for dessert, and the 3-day no-fun-day sentence was suspended.

Until tomorrow, at least.