I Love Halloween!
I think this might be the first year she understood how fun it could be.

My day started at 6am with an extremely excited daughter that could not wait until school started so she could go trick or treating in the hallways at school.
The problem was that dad decided the night before to stay up late so Dad was in no shape for a 6am start. But you do what you gotta do.
We had a lot of time to kill this morning because it doesn't take 3 hours to eat cereal. Somehow we managed. She was adamant about not taking the bus to school, so I had to take her and get her to school. Not a big deal but it gave us an extra hour to kill.
School Happened
All the kids and teachers were dressed to the 9's in Halloween gear so I am very sure she had a good day as they went trick or treating. She came home with a shit ton of loot, so I am going to guess she had a great time.

She was thrilled with all the glow in the dark stuff that she was given so she would be seen at night and had to wear it all of course when we went out.
Dinner was simple spaghetti at 4:30pm because the kids start at 5pm! I remember starting later and staying out later but different times, I guess.
Halloween Happened
My little walking avocado sang to herself the entire time we were out. I had a wonderful time too walking with her down the street and holding the little warm hand that was singing without a care in the world.
She won Halloween. She got a comment on her costume every house we visited, and we visited a lot as this was the first year we went around the entire block.

And of course, our neighbor across the street came through again:

Bed Happened
By the time we got home it was dark, so it was an easy transition to bed, and she was exhausted. A quick toothbrush lap and she was in bed looking soooooo tired.
Trick or Treat,
TH and Co.