I caved
The weatherman said it was going to rain. He (or she) Lied.
It didn't rain.
But by then it was too late. I had already promised. And as you are aware - a promise is indeed a promise so we had to go. We will go - but after lunch we told her - she would have to be patient.

And true to our word after lunch and after she pee'd before we go and put on her own socks and shoes we did indeed go to the Niagara Fun Park:

The weatherman said that it would rain, so going for a walk as we usually do was not in the cards and the pumpkin patch is still too expensive.
Because it's Saturday and our house needed a good once-over (maybe even twice) after I had construction workers and sick wives all last week it hasn't left a lot of time for your favorite tidy husband to be - well - tidy.
I think as I write this we are on laundry load number 112. At least that's what it feels like. Before we went anywhere there was some cleaning going to happen today.
Anyway, she was good all week and she survived her first full week of kindergarten with 5 days we decided to go to the NFP as it's relatively cheap and easy: 2 drinks and admission just for her was $20 and there's not much you can do for 20 bucks for an afternoon these days so it wasn't a bad deal.

There were only about a dozen kids there so for the most part I just parked myself on a bench and surfed on my phone. I did pay some attention to her and looked at all the "Dad, look at me's" but it's painful there as a parent. You can only watch your child play for so long.. If you've seen one bouncy house you have seen them all. :)
I was happy to leave.

I let her bounce around for the full 2 hours until I wore her out and then we went home. I had her so tired and that was kind of the point. She watched a bit of TV and then we had dinner and started the bedtime routine.
For some reason we're on a Christmas theme here so she's in the Grinch pajamas. Hey, whatever works. I have time in my head to write this so if that's what it takes to get her to bed she can go to bed in Grinch PJ's until she's 18.
update: I spoke too soon - Big surprise: the Grinch wear is too hot so we're back to short pj's.
Also, I'm just back from calming down an overtired meltdown over the lighting in her room and the fact that the grinch pj's are too hot. I'm not sure how I am supposed to fix this but somehow it's expected of me. It's not all sunshine and unicorns here despite what you may think. I never knew that parenting skills included skills to calm down little ones. Luckily I come with lots of hugs.
As my Dad used to tell me: I have 2 shoulders and no waiting"
Tonight's meltdown was just sheer fatigue. It's a long day at school and then the bouncy house adventure today used up the the last bit of gas in the tank. She was toast.
Speaking of toast - so am I.
Until next time,
TH and Co.